Customer Satisfaction Guarantee

Why are we different?

  1. 100% Quality Satisfaction Guarantee - Our aim is to provide home gardeners with the very best quality plants that money can buy, in the most sustainable packaging and growing media. Many varieties are just so good, we're prepared to offer you a full refund if you think you've grown better. Plants are usually despatched the same week, but never on a Friday or weekend (unless agreed prior to despatch). However, if any of our products does not meet your expectations of quality, we'll offer a replacement, credit or refund.
  2. Great Value for Money - We're always trying hard to give our customers great value for money, which is why we will always offer a fantastic range of great value special offers when we believe the time is right.
  3. Trialled and Tested Varieties - At Sustainable Plant Store we trial every plant and product that we offer on our website. If a plant doesn't meet our expectations, chances are it won't meet yours either; in which case we will not list it for sale. It's as simple as that.
  4. Hassle free shopping - You can enjoy hassle free shopping from the comfort of your own home with our user-friendly website. Here you can sign up to receive our email newsletters to be the first to hear about fantastic money-saving offers and exclusive products.
  5. Buy more and save - The more you buy, the more you save. Look out for our special offers and huge savings on multi packs and plant collections.
  6. Expert Advice - We value your custom and want you to select and grow your plants successfully. For every plant ordered from our website, we aim to respond to any growing queries you have via email as soon as we can with advice and, hopefully, a solution. However, there will always be things that stump us as much as they do you. If you're looking to place an order but need a hand on which varieties to buy, drop us an email and we will do our best to help.
  7. SPS Community - Join in the discussions on our Facebook and Instagram accounts, and share photos of your garden through the growing season.